Taking a little time to breathe…

14 Mar

It’s been a rough couple of weeks!

A lot of you know that my bestie, Shay (also to be referenced as BC), moved to town about 6 months ago and lived in my fabulous little apartment right smack in the middle of the Short North.  Ya see, I kinda sorta moved in with Keith last summer, so my great little place on High Street was just sitting lonely and empty.  In comes Shay.

Shay wanted to get away from Louisiana for a bit, and she found out that she could finish her school at Columbus State – so to Columbus she came!  She moved into my apartment and kept all my furniture company.  And I was the happiest I’d been in a really long time.  I don’t think it’s any secret that I battle depression from time to time (Okay, let’s be honest – since I was 13), and Shay happened to show up during one of my lows.  And she was such a ray of sunshine for me.  We’ve known each other since we were 4 (we met in Sunday School), and she’s closer than any biological sister ever could be.

So Shay and I were reunited after living in separate cities – and states – for 10 years!  We acted just like were 4 again, but this time with more booze.  We laughed a lot, we cried a lot, and we drank a lot.  But good times were always had – at least by me and Shay.  Keithy never seemed to enjoy our liquor-induced hysteria events.

Well, fast-forward 6 months, and Shay’s leaving and I’m “officially” moving in with Keithy.  Yep, that was last weekend.  On Friday, I spent all day in the rain helping Shay get packed and moved, and then on Saturday, I spent all day in the rain getting myself packed and moved.  Oh, and did I mention it was The Arnold Classic and Gallery Hope that same weekend?  And of course I had a work trip to Monroe booked the very next day!  Talk about cray-cray!

And now, it’s 1:04 am on Monday morning.  My week in Monroe has come and gone, and I’ve had a lovely, yet busy weekend. Now, I need a little time for myself – time to just breathe.  Even though I’m excited about the future, I’m still pretty emotionally charged by all the changes going on in my life right now.

So, I’m taking tomorrow off.

2 Responses to “Taking a little time to breathe…”

  1. shawna March 14, 2011 at 6:15 pm #

    You guys are so awesome. I am glad y’all found each other and managed to stay so close! Life can be so hard – it is so important to have good friends.

    • Bryant March 14, 2011 at 6:43 pm #

      You are so right. And I love that girl.

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